Black Power

by Journey Wilson (Phoenix, Arizona)

The United States of America

Where dreams are made 

But Black Women in America fight to make the grade 

Our struggles are real, and Our trails are tough 

We stand tall despite the rough 

Discrimination, Prejudice, and Hate 

Are part of our daily fate 

Our skin, our hair, our very being 

Are apparently not worth seeing 

Well I believe black is beautiful 

And our words are moveable 

We’re told to be strong…never to break

To rise above and accept our fate 

By people who only verbalize hate 

We’re often denied equal access 

We’re then faced with unhealthy amounts of stress 

Our voices are silenced, and our dreams delayed 

But despite all the violence, we come out unfazed 

We know we’re strong 

And that our voice, our dreams, and our passions belong 

In a world that tries to silence us, we’ll rise above.

Because we all know we’re a symbol of strength, perseverance, and love

Our beauty, Our brilliance, Our power shines 

And we’ll keep fighting until justice aligns.


Finding Frames


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