Made 4

By Makayla Prempeh (Staten Island, New York)

today I’m a girl with a vision,

tomorrow im a girl who failed,

and the days after I’m a girl who dreamed,

dreamed with my eyes open.

today I’ll say “never give up,”

tomorrow I’ll fall down,

and the days after I’ll be left with frown,

I’ll always be the girl with a dream,

cause nothing is just handed to me.

I walk, I leap, I run,

i chase what I can, but i'm still out done,

I’ll grow old and weep about what I could have achieved,

and I won’t blame anyone but me,

it’s hard being a girl with such big dreams,

but no materials to help us see what we could be.

today I’m strive,

tomorrow I’ll cry,

and the days after that, I’ll help others to fly.


Black Power